Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas is coming!

It's been a busy few weeks here in the Windy City. Ben and I are both in the midst of finishing finals right now, one of which we are headed to take at 3:00 today. It's exciting and humbling to be just hours from finished for this semester. We've had such a long road and have been tested in so many ways the past few months. In many ways, I feel that we've been in the trenches just trying to survive the many blasts that have been shot against us. I'm so grateful for a God who loves me and provides for my every need! We've received so many blessings and I know that God will continue to provide.

Moody is such a fun place to be this time of year. Even in the midst of all the stress over the amount of work we have had to complete, the school is still decked out for the Christmas season. There's a department party in the other room right now, and I can hear the carols that they are singing through the door. It's truly an honor to be in a place where Christ's birth is recognized and celebrated! I'm so glad we have a reason to celebrate this Christmas season.

Christmas is almost here!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Welcome to my blog!

Well, here I am. So many of the wonderful women around me have great blogs, so I have decided to join as well! I am always telling my husband that I should be writing more but I never do anything about it. So, here's to me actually following through on something I had planned on doing a long time ago. Enjoy my random musings!

Karis Joy